I am several years into my vegetarianism. After many years of flirting with veganism, seeing the movie "Peacable Kingdom" and meeting Howard Lyman www.madcowboy.com I made the plunge about 2 months ago.
Now that I have made the plunge head on, I am standing my ground and refuse to eat anything that has a face.
A few months ago I posted a disturbing blog about making eye contact with a cow on the freeway on its way to slaughter. TO my amazement, that exact image is brought up in Peacable Kingdom.
I plan to blog about those who make my food choices easy and those who give me a hard time.
So the answer to what does a vegan eat? I eat tons and tons of fresh, delicious food. I enjoy everything I eat in abundance, with little to no risk of food borne illness.
I hope you find my blog insightful, inspiring and worthy of sharing with others.
Most of all I want you to see the faces of veganism.