Just getting in from probably my worst 2 yoga classes by the greatest teachers in the world! Even Bikram himself said tonight's class was the worst class he has probably EVER seen.
The morning class was taught by Emmy Cleaves herself! I was in the second row. I was having a pretty decent class until Standing Separate Leg Stretching posture when I tasted blood in my mouth. I kneeled down and wiped my nose on the towel. I had a nosebleed! Right in the middle of Emmy's class. WTF?? The sinister side of me thought " This is the perfect excuse to leave this BLOODY HOT ROOM". But then I remembered my husband telling me during a previous nosebleed that it will probably go away in 20 minutes if I relax, lean forward, & put pressure on my upper nostril. So that I did. The nosebleed stopped by the floor series but I was still too hot & dizzy to complete the postures. I was barely able to compose myself for final breathing. Am I way out of my league? Did I bite off more than I can chew?
Bikram's evening class was probably the most difficult class for me to date. It was hot and humid and I felt dizzy and nauseated. I did the postures but right around triangle I knew I couldn't hold it anymore. The heat was overwhelming and I knew I was going to puke. I ran out of the room and vomited in the bushes in front of the yoga tent. When I looked around I noticed probably a dozen others doing the EXACT same thing. Once I composed myself ( again) I rejoined the class for the floor series. It took everything I had to stay in the room. I thought I was going to burn alive. I am seriously questioning if I have what it takes!!! My ego is getting in the way. I am doubting myself. I am unsure of my abilities. I can run marathons, do ironman triathlons and swim across lakes - but I had a difficult time in Bikram's Beginning Yoga classes today. :-( I am missing my husband tremendously and it makes me cry to think about him. I don't know yet if he will be able to visit me in the next nine weeks due to his school schedule and it breaks my heart!! I miss my dog and my cat, too.